Dear patients,
Your desire for a child of your own has not yet been fulfilled. This is why you are looking for sources of information and treatment options.
The wish to have children is very intimate and personal. If this wish is not fulfilled, many questions, doubts and fears may surface. It can also prove a testing time for relationships. On your path together towards this goal, we would like to pass on to you all the options we have available.
Our unit has specialised solely on the diagnosis and therapy for unintentional childlessness. We have been guided in the process by the latest scientific discoveries. Intensive medical research over the past few years has resulted in many new treatment methods for infertility. This means we have now often been able to help couples for whom there was previously no hope.
Even though modern medicine provides us with many opportunities to help you, we cannot be successful every time. Please bear this in mind in everything we discuss and decide together.
In a personal consultation we would be pleased to describe to you the underlying reasons for unintentional childlessness along with the most significant modern treatment options, and to explain the chances of success and the risks. You will certainly also want to know about the exact time and cost factors.
All modern test procedures for clarifying the causes for an unfulfilled desire for children are available: Sperm tests (spermiograms), cycle monitoring, outpatients operations, e.g. abdomen and womb endoscopy (laparoscopy and hysteroscopy), ovarian stimulation, intrauterine insemination (INS), in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI), extraction of sperm from the testicles (TESE), extraction of sperm from the sperm ducts (MESA) for IVF/ICSI treatments, freezing of sperm and eggs in the impregnated state (cryoconservation).
We work closely with other institutes and establishments and we endeavour to carry out the treatment which has the best chance of success for you.
For instructions on how to get to us, please see „Directions“.
Link: Directions (Anfahrt)
Download: Kinderwunschbroschüre Organon PDF |
Download: We want a baby PDF |